Students' representative bodies

Students' representative bodies

At the UOC, we ensure that the opinions, interests and suggestions of students contribute to improving the institution. You can participate in this process by being part of a representative body, voting for its members or submitting your proposals.

Get involved in how the UOC functions

The UOC's Organizational and Operational Regulations allow students to be involved in the life of the university. There are representative bodies for this purpose, and you can get involved in them.

The student representatives who are members of these bodies are elected every three years. You can stand as a candidate or vote for those who will represent you. And you can always make proposals about any matter related to your studies and the university in general.

Those elected to represent students form part of the university's participative bodies, for instance the Student Council and the faculty committees, and they represent you in the university's governing bodies and in the bodies responsible for interuniversity relations and coordination in which students are present.

If you want to know more, see the infographic Find out what it means to be a representative (in Spanish).

As a student, you can also make proposals to improve the UOC. Do you know how? Through the different representative bodies. 
The Student Council looks after your interests

The Student Council is the students' highest representative, consultative and advisory body at the UOC. It is the channel for expressing students' aspirations, requests and proposals, and its task is to promote, coordinate and defend your concerns, rights and interests.

The Student Council participates in evaluating the university's services from the point of view of the student body and offers you advice, listens to you and makes your voice heard where decisions are made.

To do this, the Student Council appoints student representatives in the following internal representative bodies and external entities:

  • The University Council: This is the highest participatory body of the university community, where opinions are expressed on issues that affect the university, initiatives are proposed and the university's strategic lines and objectives are discussed. It is chaired by the rector and there are as many student representatives as there are faculties at the UOC.
  • Other internal UOC bodies: Students are also represented on the Governing Council, the Equality Unit, the Quality Committee, the Transparency Committee, etc.
  • Interuniversity relations and coordination bodies: The UOC sends representatives to the Student Council for Catalan Universities (CEUCAT), the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC), the Spanish National Council of University Students (CEUNE), etc.

The Student Council is made up of student representatives from all the faculty committees and its members have been elected by the student body. 

Contribute ideas through your faculty representatives

The faculty committees are made up of students and teachers from the faculty and allow you to participate in the ordinary functioning of the faculty and reviews of teaching. The committees discuss matters such as curricula, the way courses function, and the evaluation and improvement of teaching materials.

There are eight committees: 

  • Law and Political Science
  • Economics and Business
  • Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications
  • Psychology and Education Sciences
  • Information and Communication Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Health Sciences
  • Doctoral programmes
Do you have proposals for improvement? You can send them to the representatives of your faculty and they will forward the requests to the relevant bodies.
Remember that if you have any queries or complaints about any aspect of the university, you can contact the Sindicatura de Greuges (ombuds office) directly.

UOC students around the world

UOC students around the world


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