
Web space unveiled with information for foreign researchers


A web space for foreign researchers interested in coming to the UOC has just been unveiled. The aim is to offer those thinking about working at the University and coming to live in Barcelona or the surrounding area all the vital information about the city and the procedures they need to carry out if they come to live here.

The web space is available in Catalan and English and is aimed, above all, at researchers, but may also be useful to faculty and administrative staff from other countries. It is called Information for foreign researchers and has the following sections:

  • About Barcelona and Catalonia – how to get around the city, the cost of living, cultural and tourist information, holidays, etc.
  • Legal procedures – processing a visa, the municipal register, the social security number, tax procedures, etc.
  • Healthcare coverage – being assigned a primary care centre and applying for a healthcare card.
  • Accommodation – accommodation searches coordinated by Barcelona Centre Universitari.
  • Practical information – learning Catalan, Euraxess, UOC community benefits, etc.
  • Contact – contact the UOC.

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