
The UOC to coordinate a European R&I project to promote gender equality in science

It is the first Horizon 2020 project to be led by the University

The aim of the Gender Diversity Impact project is to analyse the relationship between gender diversity in research and productivity so as to be able to set more precise European equality policies. The project is being coordinated by the Gender and ICT (GENTIC) research group from the UOC’s Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). This group studies the relationships between gender and information and communication technology (ICT) in the knowledge society. Thanks to funding from Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the project will look at the levels of gender diversity so as to set a realistic basis for evaluating the repercussions of gender diversity in different sectors and countries. The research aims to provide solid and exhaustive evidence of the links between gender diversity and productivity in research, development and innovation.

This project, which has been awarded almost a million euros in funding, also involves participation from Germany’s Hochschule Furtwangen and Verband der Elektrotechnik, and Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology.

GENTIC has also coordinated the European GENPORT project since 2013, which was approved as part of the Science in Society initiative from the 7th Framework Programme. This project led to the development of a portal with best practices, tools and resources to promote gender equality and excellence in science, innovation and technology.

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