
#SpinUOC 2014: the innovative get-together for presenting transferable knowledge of the UOC returns

The university will be presenting the results of its research work into the business world at the old Estrella Damm factory

Presenting results of transferable projects in barely six minutes, combined with live music, a presenter and accompanied by a refreshing beer. This is the innovative formula of #SpinUOC, which will be held on 19 June – from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm – in the old Estrella Damm factory (Carrer Rosselló 515, Barcelona). The aim is to show society eight innovative projects – developed by UOC research staff or students – so that businesses and institutions in society can value, adapt and integrate them in their value chain.

The idea behind the second edition of the event is to establish points of contact between the projects and initiatives to emerge from the innovative work of the UOC and the social and business fabric surrounding the university. After the presentations, participants will be able to find out more details about the projects from the people working on them through discussions at the SpinMeetings.

An innovative way of giving presentations

The eight projects that will be presented, the SpinUOCs, will follow the Pecha Kucha style, a streamlined and dynamic formula for giving creative presentations in just over six minutes and using only twenty slides. The SpinUOCs featured in this second edition are transferable to a number of sectors and embrace the following fields:

  • Automatic generation of bilingual and interactive e-books.
  • Electronic whiteboard with multiple features.
  • Audio watermark embedding and extraction systems in lightweight devices.
  • m-Health app aimed at helping autistic people to communicate.
  • Creation of ecological yet economical stands.
  • Sensors for building low-consumption industrial communication networks.
  • Platform devoted to fostering the entrepreneurial culture in schools.
  • Intelligent data treatment systems.

You can follow #SpinUOC via 2.0 channels, so it will be possible to comment on it on Twitter with the #SpinUOC hashtag, and on the OSRT’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

Registration and more information

You can find out more information about the event and its stars and their projects on the official #SpinUOC website, as well as completing pre-registration before 16 June.

#SpinUOC receives support from Estrella Damm, the 4 years from now event of the World Mobile Capital, Secartys and Catalan Employers' Work Promotion. 

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