
3rd update of UOC Knowledge and Technology Map

A web to show the R&D&i of the university

38 groups of R&D&i and 33 individual researchers. The Research and Transfer Suport Office (OSRT) has completed the third and final phase of updating the contents of UOC Knowledge and Technology Map. This website provides information about all the relevant data about the activity developed by the research and innovation staff of the university. 33 researchers have joined the Knowledge Transfer Unit (UTC) of the OSRT, who are staff not assigned to any group, and two more research groups, who have shown interest in giving greater visibility to its R&D&i, including their information in this space.

Groups and staff not seconded from areas
After this phase of renovation, the map now has 38 research groups. 14 of them form part of studies and areas of the UOC, another 15 are attached to IN3 and the remaining 9, to the eLearn Center. In the case of the subject area, 24 are social studies, 3 of health sciences, other 3 are arts and humanities and the remaining 8 are of technology and communication.

For staff not assigned to any group, 19 social sciences, arts and humanities, 6 and 8 of technology and communication.

What is the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map?
A place to see what R&D&i is carried out, which groups develop them and who are the responsibles. UOC Knowledge and Technology Map is a website that lets you know instantly the research performed by the groups at the university. This site provides an understanding of how research is organized by the UOC.

Tab own lines of R&D&i, keywords and contact information are the main features on the map research activity of the University.

Learn more
If you need more information on the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map, you can visit their website or contact those responsibles for their management OSRT via email:



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