
The Horizon Iberoamèrica 2012 project is presented at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ibero-American experts in uses of technology in education identify the emerging technologies that could transform higher education

The second Horizon Iberoamèrica: Perspectives entorn de la tecnologia. Ensenyament superior a Iberoamèrica 2012-2017 (Horizon Ibero-America: perspectives based on technology. Higher education in Ibero-America 2012-2017) report, identifying the twelve technologies that will revolutionise higher education in Ibero-America in the next five years, has been presented at the annual Summer Conference held by the New Media Consortium at the well-known Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. The person in charge of presenting the report was project coordinator Eva Durall. Albert Sangrà, director of the eLearn Center, will present the report at the Virtual Educa conference, which will take place from 18 to 21 June in Panama.

The main aim of the project, in which forty-five experts in the uses of technology in education in different Ibero-American countries have taken part, is to draw up a biennial report identifying the emerging technologies likely to cause a transformation in higher education in the Ibero-American context in time horizons of between 1 and 5 years.

You will find information about the selected technologies in the project blog.