
Constitution of the eLearn Center Scientific Committee

eLearn Center
The Committee, consisting of international e-learning experts, has been constituted on 25 June

After three years of life, during which it has consolidated its activity, the eLearn Center (eLC) is taking a step forward in projecting itself as a leading research centre in the area of e-learning, with the establishment of an international Scientific Committee. The purpose of the committee, consisting of a group of internationally known experts, is to provide the centre with advice, a scientific contribution and publicity for its activities.

The Scientific Committee will be formed by Betty Collis, of the University of Twente, in Holland; Ferran Ruiz, chairman of the Schools Council of Catalonia; Insung Jung, of the International Christian University of Japan; Martha Stone, of Harvard University in the USA; Sara Guri-Rosenbilt, of the Open University of Israel and Terry Anderson, of the Athabasca University in Canada.

The Committee has been constituted on 25 June at an event presided over by Imma Tubella, president of the UOC.

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