
Newly updated UOC Knowledge and Technology Map

UOC Knowledge and Technology Map
A space for raising the visibility of R+D+i activity at the university

More information on UOC research groups, their areas of knowledge and the centres they belong to. A year after setting it up, the Research and Transfer Support Office (OSRT) has now completed the second phase of updating the contents of the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map. The OSRT's Knowledge Transfer Unit has recently included nine additional research groups who were keen to raise the visibility of their activity by including their information on this space.

Groups that already form part
The following nine groups expressed an interest in joining the map at this second phase: "Crises, Otherness and Representation", "Online Sciences and Mathematics", "Mobile Communication, Economics and Society", "Social Education Lab", "Scene Understanding and Artificial Intelligence Lab", "EdOnline Research Group", "Communication and New Media", "Online Education and Society" and the Educational Technology Area.

Following this second phase, the updated map now includes thirty-six research groups. Fourteen form part of courses and areas at the UOC, another fourteen belong to the IN3 and the remaining eight belong to the eLearn Center. In terms of subject areas, twenty-two are in social sciences, three are in health sciences, another three are in arts and humanities, and the remaining eight are in technology and communication.

What is the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map?
What R+D+i activity is carried out, which groups carry it out and who is responsible? A dedicated space offering quick and easy access to information on R+D+i activity and the people carrying it out. The UOC Knowledge and Technology Map is a handy website featuring the lines of research at the university and the groups carrying it out. This website makes it easier to understand how research is structured at the UOC.

The main information on research activity given by the map includes individual files, R+D+i lines, keywords and contact details.

The next update
Missing research groups and individual researchers. The UOC Knowledge and Technology Map is not yet complete. To ensure none of the research groups at the university and the people working in them are left out, the OSRT will launch a third phase to update the contents of the map further. The aim is to include groups that don't yet form part of it, but are keen to benefit from increased visibility, as well as individual researchers who haven't yet been featured.

More information and forming part of the map
If you require more information on the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map, you can go to the website or email those responsible for it at the OSRT:

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