The Gender and ICT research group tackles the effects of Internet and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) on different aspects of the human activity from an interdisciplinary approach. We analyze the gender relations involved in the design, development, and use of scientific and technological innovations, with a particular focus on ICTs and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
The team is at the forefront of advancing knowledge regarding the continued importance of gender as a structuring and mainstream principle of contemporary internet based societies and social relations. Our work pursues the monitoring of gender based social injustice across male and female-dominated occupations and the career ladder, predominantly in ICT and STEM fields. We also work to promote a gender perspective in science and technology, by making comparative analysis of equality policies in Europe and exploring the gender diversity impact on R&I and knowledge management.
- Sáinz Ibáñez, Milagros
- Bivol, Miruna
- Di Tullio Arias, Anabella Laura
- Mathias Souto, Luana
- Müller, Jörg
- Noguera Duran, Ana Maria
- Palmén, Rachel Louise
- Romero Moreno, Aran
- Segura Nebot, Rocío
- Ampliando horizontes de las chicas en ámbitos de ciencia y tecnología (STEM) a través de intervenciones con mujeres referentes
- Capital social y entorno residencial en la población joven con riesgo de exclusión laboral. Un estudio de casos
- Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action
- Elaboración de una investigación del desarrollo de estrategias educativas que resultará en la creación de un toolkit.
- Estudi dinvestigació sobre dades i feminicidi, des dun anàlisi comparatiu dexperiències dobservatoris de feminicidis estatals i de la societat civil a Europa i Amèrica Llatina
- Indigenous women interconnecting knowledge: bodies, territories and technologies for life