
The IN3 comprises 10 research groups, which focus their activities on matters such as:

  • Care and preparedness in the network society
  • Information and network security and privacy
  • Gender and ICT
  • Complex systems
  • Software engineering
  • Urban transformations
  • Communication networks and social change
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • The internet of things
  • Global Literary Studies and Digital Humanities


Criteria to be recognized as an IN3 research group

To become an IN3 research group, it is necessary to undergo a selection process consisting of calls, both internal and external, that are opened up for this purpose. Through these calls, the lead researcher is selected for a group, which may also include the following figures: predoctoral researchers, postdoctoral researchers, research support staff, project managers, faculty, staff scientists and research associates, among others.

It should be borne in mind that all groups will have to undergo a periodical assessment process in order maintain their affiliation to the Institute. If a group is unsuccessful in the assessment process (and also in cases of retirement or the departure of the group leader from the Institute) the group will be dissolved and will lose its affiliation to the institute.