Photo published in Twitter by ISA² Programme
Last June 11, the Decidim project received the second award in the category of 'the most innovative open source software' in the Sharing & Reuse Awards (# SRawards2019). Organized by the European Commission, these awards promote the sharing and reuse of computer solutions between public administrations.
The platform decidim.barcelona is the digital platform for participatory democracy of the City Council of Barcelona. It is a free and open infrastructure for participatory democracy. It involves: code, documentation, design, training, legal frameworks, collaborative interfaces, development-user-facilitation community and a shared vision.
It helps citizens, organizations and public institutions to self-organize themselves democratically at all levels: It helps society to self-organize democratically; It helps citizens and institutions to co-produce strategic planning and participatory budgeting; it facilitates massive and distributed decision-making; it boosts collective intelligence for the common good; besides, it helps institutions on their accountability and political transparency.
The Decidim project, led by the Tecnopolítica group of the IN3's CNSC research group, has been made possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed by the UOC and the Barcelona City Council.