The quarterly magazine of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


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The portal has also been designed using valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1, which work properly on the most widespread browsers on the market.

Valid CSS!- Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

Access keys

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Mozilla Firefox: Alt + Shitf + access key
Opera: CAPS key + Esc + access key


Mozilla Firefox: Control + access key
Safari: Control + access key

Access and destination keys

WALK IN: The quarterly magazine of the UOC

PUBLISHED by the Communication Area of the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Av. Tibidabo, n. 39-43. E-08035 Barcelona) DIRECTOR: Eric Hauck CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Tere Guix EXECUTIVE EDITORS: Rosa Mercader and Lali Sandiumenge PRODUCTION: líniazero edicions EDITOR: Ester Medico EDITORS for MÓN UOC: Jose Medina, Lluís Rius and Anna Torres WEB DEVELOPER: ISSN: 2013-2549 CONTACT: SUBSCRIPTIONS: get_walkin@uoc.edu