#SpinUOC 2015

18 June 2015
Antiga Fàbrica d'Estrella Damm, Barcelona


The eight projects have been selected by a panel made up of:


  • Joan Arnedo, lecturer in the UOC’s IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications Department;
  • Adrià Batlle, director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Mobile World Capital Barcelona and COO of the 4YFN project;
  • Aintzane Arbide, general manager of Secartys;
  • Guillem Garcia Brustenga, head of Innovation at the UOC’s eLearn Center;
  • Lluís Godayol, founding partner of INpulsaEmpresa, SCP;
  • Xavier Jaumejoan, head of technology marketing at ACCIÓ’s Business Innovation Unit;
  • Joan Tarruell, member of the Alumni Board;
  • Alba Cabañas, director of the Technical Area at the Catalan Business Federation;
  • Mireia Riera, director of the UOC’s Knowledge Transfer and Research Support Office;
  • Enric Serradell, director of the UOC Economics and Business Studies Department’s MBA programmes.