5th Conference on Law Education and Information
and Communication Technologies

13 June 2014, Barcelona


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming increasingly integrated into law education and more and more faculty are using them both as a tool for communicating and interacting with students, and for managing their teaching activities.

The 4th Conference on Law Education and Information and Communication Technologies aims to publicise different initiatives and share experiences. Following on from previous conferences, this year's event is consolidating its position as a forum to showcase initiatives and experiences involving the use of ICTs in law education with papers presenting cases, practices and reflections on the subject.

On this occasion, the subject areas for the conference are:

  • Planning teaching using ICTs.
  • Virtual platforms and learning assessment.
  • Practical training in law and ICTs.
  • Collaborative tools.

Given the success of previous events, we trust that this year's conference will again offer professors of law the chance to share and reflect.

Ana M. Delgado García
Director, Law and Political Science Department
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC)


Subject areas:

  • Planning teaching using ICTs.
  • Virtual platforms and learning assessment.
  • Practical training in law and ICTs.
  • Collaborative tools.
  • Other proposals.