


  Thursday 2 October 2014
8:00 a 9:00 am Accreditation and coffee
9:00 a 10:30 am Welcome - Auditorium


Eduard Vinyamata, Director of the UOC Conflictology programme.
Ana Delgado, Director of the UOC Law and Political Science Department.
Josep A. Planell, President of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


What impact do UNITAR's training and research have on professionals on United Nations peacekeeping missions?

Sally Fegan-Wyles, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Acting Head and Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
10:30 a 11:00 am Coffee break
11:00 a 12:15 pm Round table - Auditorium

Does sport teach values or create conflicts?

Analysing the ability of sport to provide society with values and, specifically, looking at the possibilities offered by physical activity in managing and resolving conflict. There will be discussion of how conflictology methods and techniques can be applied in the practice of sport.

Guillem Turró, Philosophy teacher at the CIC Cultural Institution Baccalaureate School and expert in sport, humanism and values.

Agustí Boixeda, Director of the Catalan National Institute of Physical Education (INEFC).
Clàudia Solanes, Coordinator of the UOC Master’s Degree in Sport for Social Coexistence and Conflict Resolution.
Marta Carranza, Executive Assistant at Barcelona City Council’s Barcelona Sports Institute.
Xavier Pastor, Coordinator of the UOC Master's Degree in Conflictology.
12:15 a 1:30 pm Round table - Auditorium

How to reduce the costs of conflicts in organizations

Looking at the main causes of conflicts in companies and private and public institutions and the best methods to resolve them and reduce the costs.

José Luis Escorihuela "Ulises", group facilitator and Academic Director for the Gaia Education-UOC Design for Sustainability course.

Rosa Torre, Director of the Catalan Department of Justice’s Private Law Mediation Centre.
Xavier Coronas, Secretary-General of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
Pablo Navajo, Director of the Spanish Red Cross Training and Environment Department.
Guadalupe Barajas, Coordinator of the UOC IN3 Conflictology Research and Studies Centre (CREC).
1:30 a 3:30 pm Lunch

  Programme of workshops on common resources for conflict resolution

  NB: the six afternoon activities will not have interpreters. They are either in English or Spanish.
  Only three of the workshops can be attended as they will be run in parallel.
(only in Spanish)
Room B
(only in English)
3:30 a 4:15 pm
"Play in and for conflict resolution"

Workshop with Oriol Ripoll, expert in play and creator of games for educational projects, advertising, leisure and communication experiences.
"Addressing the Roots of Conflict: Analysis of the Long War in N. Ireland (1969-1994)"

Workshop with Tommy McKearney and Oliver Corr, Director and Project Coordinator of EXPAC.
4:15 a 5:00 pm
"Music for conflict resolution"

Workshop with Natxo Tarrés, music therapist and member of the Catalan band Gossos.
"Best of enemies: former combatants working together in N. Ireland"

Workshop with Alan Bruce, CEO of Universal Learning Systems (ULS) and Vice-President of European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN).
5:00 a 5:45 pm
"How to write on the web to resolve conflict"

Workshop with Cristina Ribas, digital journalist and expert in web communication.
"Exploring socio-environmental conflicts through participatory scenario-building exercises"

Workshop with Isabel Ruiz Mallén, from the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
5:45 a 6:45 pm Cocktail reception
Auditorium foyer




  Friday 3 October 2014
8:45 a 9:00 am Accreditation and coffee
9:00 a 10:30 am Round table - Auditorium

Mònica Buscarons, professor of the UOC Conflictology programme.


«To the Roots of Conflict Motivation: A Radical Change in Approach to Peace Education», Olek Netzer.

«The Sustainable Mountain Development and Conflict Transformation Global Database», Lynn England and Michael Minch.

«Somaliland: Governing Security in a Changing Region», Nasir Mohamed Ali.

«How to establish peace among the countries by sport», Mohammadreza Mohseni.

«Programa piloto de intervención coordinada y multidisciplinar con menores y jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión en el municipio de Oviedo», Agustín Iglesias.

«Conflicte a les xarxes socials digitals. el cas del twitter. La conformació d'una resposta alternativa a l'auge dels discursos de l'odi i la xenofòbia a Internet», Miquel Casares, Marta Cavallé, Muntsa Costa and Belén Jornet.
10:30 a 11:15 am Coffee break and posters

«Skills-Building for Conflict Resolution», Wisdom Addo y Solomon Oduro.

«Synergizing Open Distance Learning, Terrorism and Demilitarization in Nigerian Context», Igwe Dickson.

«Promoting Peace Using The Olympic and Paralympic Movement», Anita Sterea.

«Beyond Child Soldiering: Understanding Children and Violence in Colombia through Creative Research Methods», Niousha Roshani.

«Corruption and Violence in Nigeria: A critical Analysis», Roman Idemudia.

«Epidemiology of conflict in Iraq, human cost, morbidities and civilian suffers. Socio-epidemiological approach», Hamid Yahay Hussain.

«El desafío en la formación práctica del mediador para gestionar el conflicto en la dimensión social y humana», Imma Armadans, Mònica Contreras and Dídac Selva.

«Sino podemos pagar, ¿qué se puede hacer para no perder nuestra casa? Hipotecas, desahucios, mediación, intermediación, Infonavit», a cargo de Salvador Puntes and Martha A. Hernández Rivero.

«Tejiendo historias de esperanza y dignidad: Líneas narrativas de tiempo y mapa de las historias», Mònica Contreras.

«L'enfocament restauratiu a l'àmbit escolar. Transferència i adaptació», Mònica Albertí.

«Prevención y resolución de conflictos: del aula al centro sanitario», Sònia Pérez Huertos.

«Futbol base: competir, gaudir i formar. Projecte per a la gestió i la resolució de conflictes a la U.E. Sant Andreu», Carles Castillo and Àlex Cabanes.

«El trabajo colaborativo en el aula universitaria como elemento integrador de la Educación para la Paz», Martha Estella Gómez.

«Juventud no violencia y liderazgo», Patrick Estime.
11:15 a 12:30 pm Round table - Auditorium

Human security in today's world

Presenting and debating current armed and violent conflict resolution projects and experiences.

Eduard Vinyamata, Director of the UOC Conflictology programme.

Pere Ortega, researcher in peace and disarmament and Coordinator of the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies.
Blanca Camps-Febrer, researcher at the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies.
Thubten Wancheng, pacifist and Director of the Barcelona Tibet House Foundation.
Jerôme Ferret, professor at the University of Toulouse and researcher in violence and social movements at the UOC CREC.
Ainhoa Díaz, researcher in justice and peace.
12:30 a 1:30 pm Round table - Auditorium

The state of the question in today’s research into peace and conflictology

Nesrin Kenar, Secretary-General of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA).
Manuel Dios, President of the Spanish Peace Research Association (AIPAZ).
1:30 a 2:00 pm Conclusions and closing remarks - Auditorium

Eduard Vinyamata, Director of the UOC Conflictology programme.