
Open calls for entries for scientific research prizes

Scientific research prizes
The Sant Jordi, ABC Solidarity and Joan Oró Prizes

Prizes for research. Research plays a crucial role in the advancement of society, in answering doubts and questions and solving the problems of our times, and one way of encouraging the activity is through prizes that reflect and highlight its value. This is the goal of a number of currently-open prizes aimed at research professionals. This note provides details of three that may be of interest to the UOC research community.

Premis Sant Jordi 2012
The Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) awards prizes in recognition of work and researchers in all areas of Catalan science and culture. As far as social sciences are concerned, worthy of particular note is the Premi IEC de Comunicació Social Joan Givanel i Mas (the IEC Joan Givanel i Mas Social Communication Prize), awarded to the best research work or essay in the field of communication sciences. The prize money is 4,200 euros, and the deadline for entries is 2 December.
More information on the different categories can be found in the prize dossier.
The 8th call for entries for the Premio ABC Solidario de Ayudas para Proyectos Sociales (ABC Solidarity Prize in Support of Social Projects)
The solidarity research category of this prize, awarded by Spanish daily newspaper ABC, is designed to finance, with the sum of 10,000 euros, the best research project related to care for disadvantaged persons, development cooperation and/or the management of non-profit organisations.
The deadline for entries is 16 December 2011.
More details can be found in the prize dossier.
The 8th Premi Joan Oró prize for research outreach
The Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC, Catalan Scientific Communication Association) has opened the call for entries for this prize in support of research outreach activities. To qualify for the prize, entrants must have authored an article or multimedia work (such as a video, blog or website, amongst others), on the research being carried out. There are two prizes of 1,000 euros –one for the best article and the other for the best multimedia work– and up to six honourable mentions of 350 euros.
The deadline for entries is 31 December 2011.
More details can be found in the prize dossier.
For more information, go to the association’s website.

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