
Presentation of the results of the edit@ project

Presentation of the results of the edit@ project: an easy way of automatically editing, modifying, validating and publishing contents in various innovative formats.

The edit@ project, which was commenced in 2008 thanks to co-funding by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, within the National Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation Plan 2008-2011, has developed an application that automates the online conversion of contents in various innovative formats. The result is a very easy-to-use toolbar that houses a wide variety of functions for handling, translating and transforming website contents.

With this system, user companies will be able to offer contents in formats that currently are not within their reach. In addition, edit@ will handle companies’ private contents, although its greatest implantation will be in public contents. User-centred design and accessibility were fundamental principles in the development of edit@.

Listening to contents written from a mobile phone with edit@
One of the characteristics of edit@ is the incorporation of a Daisy converter into the toolbar, and a Daisy book reader for mobile phones. Daisy is a format that combines audio in MP3 format under a hierarchised sequential structure like the index of a book, creating a surfable spoken text similar to that of audio books.

The Daisy format is especially conceived for persons with visual disability. The tool has been developed for mobile phones using the SYMBIAN Operating System in order to guarantee accessibility for persons with visual disability, since these phones permit the installation of screen readers and are widely used among this sector of the public.

The edit@ project has been led by the Ibermàtica company and has had the participation of the UOC and the institutions La Salle, Eureka Media, IBIT, Padawan Network and Verbio Technologies.

On March 9th, the results of the edit@ Project were presented in Barcelona, with the participation of Juan Miguel Barajas González (Ibermática), Eva Gil (Educational Technology Area of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and Bel Llodrà (IBIT Foundation). During the session, the developers presented the edit@ toolbar and explained how it works. This event was complemented with a session in which the audience were able to put their queries to the project technicians and freely explore the application for themselves.

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