12 strategic challenges which have given rise to 33 objectives

Increase levels and forms of personalization for all students, with support from technology, data and AI, in order to enhance teaching quality.
Add different levels and forms of personalization to the components of the UOC educational model in ways that help students’ learning and the continuous improvement of their competencies.
- Apply the technology and data science (collection, analysis and visualization of data) necessary for the personalization actions, efficiently and effectively.

Adapt and update the programmes we offer – present and future – to meet society’s needs, in keeping with the University’s knowledge areas and research lines, making the range of programmes a factor that sets the UOC apart.
Establish an integrated system for keeping track of trends and market demands, enabling the identification of future needs for education and training.
Achieve new quality accreditations for our different area of education and training.
Increase our flexibility, agility and interdisciplinarity when it comes to creating and updating the programmes we offer.
Incentivize and support research in the knowledge areas of the learning programmes most in demand, and in areas where there are plans to improve, update or create programmes.
- Highlight within the information made public and the information passed to assessors the factors that set our programmes apart and keep them up-to-date and aligned with society’s needs.

Define feasibility scenarios for a constantly changing present that reinforce that UOC’s value proposition.
Improve the UOC’s efficiency and sustainability, defining the optimum economic model (balance between public and private revenue) and growth projections for the 2022-2025 period including the necessary revenue and profit targets.
Acquire in-depth understanding of the different profiles in our target audience and design a plan for building relationships and loyalty with each profile, including B2C and B2B actions.
- Improve the UOC’s positioning and reputation as a leading provider of high-quality online education.

Establish a talent management strategy that enhances staff members’ development, well-being and commitment.
Define a new leadership model, the digital competencies of staff, and the decision-making model.
- Enhance the UOC’s status as an organization that leads the way in developing internal talent and generating loyalty, and is dynamic in attracting external talent.

Become a digital organization in a new global age.
Have our new work culture settled in, this being based on open work principles, asynchronous activity and digitalization.
- Have our main processes redefined and digitalized, increasing efficiency both internally in terms of organization and externally in terms of relations with third parties (e.g. students or public administrations).

Make ourselves a data-informed organization that uses quality information as the basis for its actions.
Build a culture of data-driven decision-making.
Implement the appropriate data governance policy, including mechanisms guaranteeing internal and external transparency and the FAIR data principles.
- Ensure that our data meets quality standards and is available and usable, using robust infrastructure.

Commit ourselves to people’s access to higher education and to open knowledge as drivers of freedom and equality.
Progress towards a global UOC, in all of the university's areas.
Guarantee equity in university activities, including teaching, research, continuing education and administration, as well as equal opportunities in admission, participation and results throughout students' education and their subsequent employment, taking into account their diversities.
- Drive the UOC's transformation into a hub for open knowledge.

Commit ourselves to the planet and promote collective well-being for a more sustainable world.
Achieve climate neutrality at the UOC by 2030 (with governance and monitoring of quantitative indicators).
Develop actions and activities to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
- Provide the UOC community with the knowledge, skills and curiosity to lead and be part of the global transition to a more healthy and sustainable future.

Increase the transformational effect of education on people’s employability, on organizations’ competitiveness and on society’s progress, by providing continuing education that meets current and future challenges, taking advantage of new technological opportunities.
Develop a comprehensive continuing education plan, offering a portfolio of courses and programmes that are oriented towards the productive sectors and the societal needs of each region, and enhancing students’ employment prospects.
- Provide students with support and guidance to help them manage their careers, developing professional competencies and boosting workforce entry and entrepreneurship.

Define the overall value proposition of the UOC in collaboration with other businesses and institutions, focusing on the ecosystem in order to catalyse knowledge and learning to boost economic and social progress.
Compose a corporate ties plan revolving around knowledge exchange and connected to the needs of society in each region.
Increase the UOC’s social impact, generating greater and more diversified funding through a philanthropy programme involving the private sector, institutions and individuals.
- Position the UOC as a driver of innovation, encouraging knowledge exchanges between the UOC environment and other agents in the innovative system to find solutions to the challenges society faces.

Strengthen research and innovation in the intersection between technology and the social and human sciences, where the UOC aims to make its mark and generate societal impact.
Consolidate the commitment to interdisciplinary research identifying challenges that require stable collaboration between disciplines, in order to maximize the impact.
- Consolidate our institutional commitment to the transformation of research assessment in the context of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the EC future agreement Towards a Reform of the Research Assessment System.

Reinforce the UOC research ecosystem: the environment, conditions and resources for conducting research.
- Fuel the research activities of people who are talented, motivated and well trained for conducting research.
- Allocate 5% of the UOC’s budget to research programmes.