Cookie policy


1. What are cookies?

Cookies are text files which are downloaded onto the user’s computer terminal (desktop, laptop, mobile telephone, etc.) and which are stored in the browser memory. The data contained in cookies can be analysed by the UOC and the FJE to improve website usability and offer more personalized information and services.

Browsing data collected by cookies are anonymous and are not associated to any person. Personal information must be provided explicitly to the UOC and the FJE by the user.

The user may delete or disable cookies from the browser's settings page. In this case, the website will continue to operate, but without the advantages of personalization. For more information on the use, management and settings of cookies on browsers, we recommend visiting


2. What type of cookies does the UOC use?

According to the organization that manages them:

  • First-party. These cookies are sent via a computer or domain managed by the UOC and the FJE to the user's terminal.
  • Third-party. These cookies are sent to the user's terminal via a computer or domain not managed by the UOC or the FJE. In this case they also include cookies installed by the UOC and the FJE which collect information managed by third parties. Third-party cookies may be used to measure and analyse users' behaviour in order to improve their experience on the UOC and FJE website.

According to the time they remain enabled:

  • Session. These cookies collect data while the user browses the UOC and FJE website in order to provide the requested service. They expire or delete themselves when the browser is closed.
  • Persistent. These cookies are saved on the user’s terminal. They expire after a medium or long period, or never.

According to their purpose:

  • Technical. These cookies are necessary for a successful browsing experience on the website.
  • Personalization. These cookies allow the user to define the characteristics (language) of their browsing experience on the website.
  • Analytic. These cookies allow the UOC and the FJE to analyse users' browsing so as to track how the website is being used and produce statistics on the most visited content, the number of visitors, etc.
  • Advertising.

3. What is the purpose of the cookies used by the UOC?

The purpose of the cookies used by the UOC and the FJE are as follows:

  • Technical. The purpose of this type of cookie is to ensure satisfactory website browsing. They enable the system to recognize the users who have registered and remember their username and password, among other functions.
  • Personalization. These cookies enable the user to access the UOC and FJE's website with certain predefined general features, such as the language, the browser or the geographical location from where the service is accessed. This user information enables the UOC and the FJE to offer a better, more personalized service.
  • Analytic. The anonymous data contained in these cookies allow users' activity to be measured, tracked and studied in order to add improvements to the UOC and FJE's websites, applications and platforms.
  • Advertising. These cookies enable advertising spaces to be managed based on criteria such as content editing or users' browsing habits.