Paula Bruno is a postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina). Hosted by the Global Literary Studies Research Group (GLOBALS), her research interests are intellectual history and the history of intellectuals, the cultural history of diplomatic life and biographical studies.
15/01/2022 - 15/06/2022
Mazurczyk Wojciech is a professor at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland). Hosted by K-riptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON), the main aim of his visiting research stay is to become familiar with the philosophy and methodology of teaching and learning at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and its structure, processes and procedures, specific to the study of IT subjects.
28/01/2022 - 13/02/2022
07/02/2022 - 02/10/2022
Alice Fubini is a PhD Student at the University of Bologna (Italy). Hosted by Digital Commons (DiMMONS), the main aim of her stay is to get involved in the research group activities and collect data for her PhD thesis.
21/02/2022 - 27/05/2022
Dr. Greig Charnock is senior lecturer at the University of Manchester (UK). Hosted by the Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab) research group, his visit is in relation to the research project The Rise of a Technopole in Southern Europe: Theorising Digital Labour in Barcelona, where Dr. Charnock is the principal investigator, and Dr. Ribera-Fumaz is the co-investigator.
21/02/2022 - 30/04/2022
Carla Greubel is a PhD candidate at the Utrecht University. Hosted by Care and Preparedness in the Network Society (CARENET), her research interests are on care and technology, with attention to mundane practices and experiences of people as well as to questions of inclusion and exclusion in technologies for better ageing.
14/03/2022 - 31/05/2022