Programme of events


From 21st to 27th of October

  • Competition: Open Access, repositories and copyright

    Rules: During the International Open Access Week, the UOC Library holds a competition to promote knowledge about open access and copyright/copyleft among its entire student community and all its administration staff, teaching staff and researchers.

    • Participants: students, teaching staff, researchers and UOC administration staff.
    • Duration of the competition: until midnight of Sunday 27th of October 2013.
    • Judging: here will be a single winner, who will have answered all questions on the questionnaire correctly and submitted the higher quality and most creative image in the final question. In the event of a tie, it will be decided by lottery.
    • Prize: the lucky winner will take away a latest-generation headphones and a selection of UOC products.

    To compete, click here (form just in Spanish).

Friday, 25th October

  • From 10.30am to 12pm. Open Acess, repositories and copyleft workshop, by Julià Minguillón and Ignasi Labastida.

    At this workshop, the professor Julià Minguillón will explain the concept of open resources, what the open educational resources (OER) movement is, and we will have a look at the most important aspects to consider. Moreover, Ignasi Labastida, leader of Creative Commons project in Spain and Catalonia, will talk about the licences available for publishing open teaching material and will solve your doubts on copyright and copyleft.

    Some of the subjects that will be covered are available to read in the collection of open resources on OER in the UOC institutional repository, O2:

Licencia de Creative Commons
This work by the UOC Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 LicenseVirtual Library,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 2013.