Joe Bower, Teacher, Middle School in Red Deer, AB, Canada. Blogs about education at (For the Love of Learning).
Keynote: Do Schools Conceal or Reveal Learning?
Graham Brown-Martin, Author and Director, Learning and {Re}imagining transmedia project, WISE. UK
Keynote: Learning {Re}imagined: How the Connected Society is Transforming Learning
Cathy N. Davidson, Distinguished Professor, Graduate Center, The City University of New York; Director, the Futures Initiative, US
Keynote: Changing Higher Education from the Classroom Up
Núria Miró, Principal, Col·legi Montserrat, Spain
Keynote: A curriculum for ownership, ubiquity and accountability
Mark Priestley, Professor and Director, Curriculum and Pedagogy Research Cluster, School of Education, University of Stirling, UK
Keynote: The "New Curriculum": Policy into Practice in Scotland
Helen Soulé, Executive Director, Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), US
Keynote: Patterns of Innovation-Transforming Early Learning and Beyond with 21st Century Skills
Tom Caswell, Director of Instructional Design, Helix Education, US
Brandon Muramatsu, Assistant Director, Strategic Education Initatives, MIT, US
Demo: Open Assessment and OERs as enablers in competency-based education
Audrey Cooke, Lecturer, School of Education, Curtin University, Australia
Demo: Encouraging pre-service teachers to re-vision mathematics: focusing on the "have a go" aspect of numeracy
Anna Díaz, English Teacher and Secondary Education Coordinator, Institut Broggi, Spain
Paco Rico, Art Teacher and Webmaster, Institut Broggi, Spain
Demo: Holistic education: the new models' learning objectives
Antonia Dolcet, Coordinator, SetMesTres, Spain
Alba Rodoreda, Setmestres, Spain
Demo: Interaction, reflection and competencial work
Cathy Ellis, Director, Enquiry and Emerging Practice, Highbury College, UK
Demo: Can learning using the Internet in the context of Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) replace traditional Vocational Education and Training?
Ankit Khandelwal, India
Demo: Zero Cost Management Graduate
Pere Monràs, CEO, Sangakoo, Spain
Judit Castro, Product Manager, Sangakoo
Demo: Sangakoo, proven effects of collaborative learning
Jasmina Nicolik, Coordinator, "Reforming Foreign Language Studies in Serbia" Project, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Karl Royle, Principal Lecturer, Curriculum Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, Centre for Developmental and Applied Research in Education (CeDARE), University of Wolverhampton, UK
Demo: Agilifying Learning: How agile (SCRUM) organisation techniques can enable learner agency, dialogue and democratisation in learning within any curricula. Two examples from Serbia and UK.
Àngels Fitó, Director, Economy and Business Department, UOC
Brenda Gourley, Former Vice-Chancellor, Open University, UK
Teresa Guasch, Dean, Psychology and Education Department, UOC
Emma Kiselyova, Executive Director, UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change, UOC
Antoni Pérez, Coordinator, Postgraduate Studies, Department of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, UOC
Albert Sangrà, Academic Director, UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change, UOC