Mo., December 1 | |
8.30 |
Registration |
9:15 |
Welcome and Opening Session Josep A. Planell Estany, President, Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Spain Emma Kiselyova, Executive Director, UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change, UOC, Spain |
9.45 |
Session 1 Keynote: Cathy Davidson, US Changing Higher Education from the Classroom Up |
10.45 | Coffee break |
11.15 |
Session 2 Keynote: Helen Soulé, US Patterns of Innovation-Transforming Early Learning and Beyond with 21st Century Skills Demos
Encouraging pre-service teachers to re-vision mathematics: focusing on the "have a go" aspect of numeracy
Sangakoo: proven effects of collaborative learning |
13.00 | Lunch |
14.15 |
Session 3 Keynote: Mark Priestley, UK The New Curriculum: Policy into Practice in Scotland Demo
Agilifying learning: How agile (SCRUM) oranization techniques can enable learner agency, dialogue and democratization in learning within any curricula |
15.50 | Coffee break |
16.15 |
Session 4 Keynote: Nuria Miró, Spain A curriculum for ownership, ubiquity and accountability Demos
Interaction, reflection and competencial work
Holistic Education: the new models' learning objectives |
18.00 | End of the day's sessions |
21.00 | Seminar Dinner: details |
Tue., December 2 | |
9.00 | Registration |
9.15 |
Session 5 Keynote: Joe Bower, Teacher, Middle School in Red Deer, AB, Canada Do Schools Conceal or Reveal Learning? Demo
Can learning using the Internet in the context of Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) replace traditional Vocational Education and Training? |
11.00 | Coffee break + Group Photo |
11.40 |
Session 6 Closing Keynote: Graham Brown-Martin, UK Learning {Re}imagined: How the Connected Society is Transforming Learning Demos
Open Assessment and OERs as enablers in competency-based education
Zero Cost Management Graduate |
13.20 |
Conclusions and Takeaways Albert Sangrà, Academic Director, UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change, UOC, Spain |
13.50 | End of the Seminar |