Gwendal Daniel has been awarded as the best Phd thesis prize for 2017 given by Inforsid, the French national association on Information Systems. Daniel, postdoctoral fellow of the IN3 research group SOM Research Lab, presented his thesis about software modeling supervised by Jordi Cabot, director of the research group.
Models are used in various scientific fields to represent an abstraction of the reality from a specific point of view (for example architectural models for civil engineering). Models allows us to better understand, simulate and validate existing complex systems before we actually build them.
Modeling tools offer a well-defined set of languages and manipulation operations to query and represent many types of models. However, existing tools are designed to handle small models and therefore do not scale well enough to manage the large models required to cope with the increasing complexity of current industrial systems.
In his thesis, Daniel proposes a set of techniques to efficiently deal with these large models based on the use of NoSQL databases to store and retrive the models.Our toolbox supports several types of NoSQL databases (graph, column, map,…) and query languages. This work has been integrated and evaluated both in research and industrial contexts.