Jordi Angelet, head of the Maintenance and Support Unit for Project and Application Development at UOC Technology
His 13 years' work have helped fill him with knowledge and experience, which he continues to add to, with the satisfaction of knowing that his daily work helps many people take their degrees.
What does your work consist of? What functions and responsibilities do you have?
At the Maintenance and Support Unit for Project and Application Development we manage application maintenance and standards and regulations services to ensure quality in the project development life cycle, and the evolution and maintenance of computer apps.
Who do you work with at the UOC? What is the working atmosphere and collaboration with your colleagues like?
There are 60 of us in the Technology department, divided into different units, while specific teams are set up for each project. We always work on development and maintenance with external providers, so there is a lot of contact with non-UOC personnel. The working atmosphere is great, especially the professionalism, involvement and respect among colleagues: everyone contributes. In our daily work, in the context of projects or problem-solving, there may be tensions, pressures, things that don't turn out as expected... It is at moments such as these when the virtues I mentioned and this atmosphere of professionalism, involvement and respect are most noticeable.
What's the best thing about your work at the UOC?
I'd particularly mention the flexibility the UOC provides in striking a balance between professional and personal life, the degree of autonomy, the working atmosphere, the respect shown for opinions and the diversity of opinions in the team.
How would you define your career at the UOC?
I have always been associated with the Technology department, although my role and responsibilities have changed over time. This change of role is, I think, closely aligned to the professional growth provided by everything I've had the chance to learn from my colleagues, my different bosses, from the suppliers I've worked with and from everything I've experienced. In all, I'm happy to carry all this with me and hope to carry on adding to it, with all the experiences and knowledge the UOC has to offer.
Can you remember a special day or moment at the UOC you are particularly fond of?
I'm sure there are others, but a couple of years ago I went to one of the graduation ceremonies, and more than the event itself, which I greatly enjoyed, it was a moment when you see the students and their emotions and the challenge it has meant to them to get this far. And it is at that moment when everything comes together and you understand what your job, your daily work, means, and you feel very proud to be contributing somehow, like everyone else at the UOC, to making all this possible and helping these people get their degrees.
What would you highlight about the UOC compared to other organizations?
For my part, I'd highlight the importance of technology in the organization. It is the fulcrum and lever that help it transform and change. It is a significant, differential aspect compared to technology departments in other companies, where technology does not play such a central role.
Would you recommend working at or with the UOC? Why so?
I would definitely recommend it. It's an organization that has very good professionals, that looks after people's well-being and where I think people are happy working. So I would recommend it! Otherwise I wouldn't be here.
What do you think a person needs if they are to work at the UOC?
I think you have to be a good professional who shows commitment, teamwork skills and the ability to adapt to change, new challenges and new responsibilities.
What do you think the UOC's values are?
I think they are largely the official ones: professionalism, commitment, respect, transparency and sustainability; these are clearly the UOC's values, and they don't go unnoticed.
In your opinion, the UOC is...
An innovative university and one which now, more than ever, has a great future, which I am proud to be a part of, which I give my time and effort to and, in some way, help to make it all possible.