In recent years, many countries have developed new national curriculum frameworks, designed to meet the challenges posed by rapid technological and social change. Such curricula tend to have a number of common features: a focus on the development of generic competencies rather than an emphasis on learning facts; a strong emphasis on inter-disciplinary learning; a new focus on the centrality of the learner, accompanied by active forms of pedagogy; and assessment and qualifications frameworks articulated as outcomes. Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) provides a good example of such a curriculum, framed as it is around four sets of generic competencies or capacities. As such, it represents a significant change from previous policy in Scotland and emerging policy elsewhere in the United Kingdom (England), both characterised more explicitly as traditional subjects, with detailed prescription of content to be taught. In this seminar, I explore CfE as a macro-level statement of policy intent, and through its recontextualisation at the meso- and micro-levels of policy development and school-based practice. I illustrate how this curriculum model is problematic in its enactment, as well as suggesting methods and processes for maximising its potential as a basis for school-based curriculum development.