Opening Session (Josep A. Planell Estany, Emma Kiselyova, Albert Sangrā)
Changing Higher Education from the Classroom Up (Cathy Davidson)
Patterns of Innovation-Transforming Early Learning and Beyond with 21st Century Skills (Helen Soulé)
The New Curriculum: Policy into Practice in Scotland (Mark Priestley)
A Curriculum for Ownership, Ubiquity and Accountability (Núria Mirķ)
Do Schools Conceal or Reveal Learning? (Joe Bower)
Learning {Re}Imagined: How the Connected Society is Transforming Learning (Graham Brown-Martin)
Encouraging Pre-Service Teachers to Re-Vision Mathematics: Focusing on the "Have a Go" Aspect of Numeracy (Audrey Cooke)
Sangakoo: Proven Effects of Collaborative Learning (Pere Monrās and Judit Castro)
Agilifying Learning: How Agile (SCRUM) Organization Techniques Can Enable Learner Agency, Dialogue and Democratization in Learning Within Any Curricula (Jasmina Nicolik and Karl Royle)
Interaction, Reflection and Competencial Work (Antonia Dolcet and Alba Rodoreda)
Holistic Education: the New Model's Learning Objective (Anna Díaz and Paco Rico)
Open Assessment and OERs as Enablers in Competency-Based Education (Tom Caswell)
Zero Cost Management Graduate (Ankit Khandelwal)
Conclusions and Takeaways (Albert Sangrā)