My name is Ankit Khandelwal and I am from India. A major in Chemical Engineering, in the early 2012, I have realized my potential towards becoming an interdisciplinary global business manager. From May 2012- June 2014, I have worked full-time on ‘Envisioning 21st century global manager’ project, a customized project to equip me with the skill-sets needed to become a 21st century global manager. Faced with issues of money and resources, this project has been done with minimum resources and innovatively using the free available educational material online. Using OCW (OpenCourseWare), MOOC (Massive Open Online courses) platform, I have taken courses from different universities (general management as well as interdisciplinary sectors like trade negotiations, urban planning, public policy, climate change, emergency management etc), tried to self-learn 3 foreign languages and extensively studied newspaper from 8-10 different places of the world for regular business happenings around the globe. I have tried to expand my outreach by reaching every corner of the world through many projects, study of the regions or through expansion of networks. Equally important was my study of different cultures to prepare myself for negotiating/working in the multicultural environment (political/social and ground realities).