XXIV Meeting of the Spanish James Joyce Society
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Barcelona, 24-25 April 2013


James Joyce has been one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. His literary work, especially the mythical Ulysses, continues to captivate readers and encourage academics from all over the world to study it. The Spanish James Joyce Society, that brings together specialists in order to promote the dissemination and study of the work of the Irish writer, holds an annual meeting to discuss Joycean matters.

This year's meeting takes place in Barcelona and has been co-organized by the Arts and Humanities Studies of the UOC, the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the UAB and the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. From the UOC we invite you to attend the XXIV Meeting of the Spanish James Joyce Society in order to share the research of scholars and the views of translators on the work of the famous writer and to converse with them.