TelSpain Conference
Trends in e-learning

Madrid, Friday 29 November 2013
EOI, Avda. Gregorio del Amo, 6, Madrid



9:00 am        Accreditations
9:30 am Opening speech by Francesc Noguera, president of TELSPAIN.
9:45 h "Learning Online: Alone and in Nets, Sets and Groups"
Speaker: Terry Anderson, Athabasca University.
10:30 am Cafe-Networking
10:45 am WORKSHOPS

Three simultaneous workshops that will later share their reflections during the conference plenary session and in a publication distributed at the end of the get-together.

Coordinated by Albert Sangrà (UOC). With the participation of Miquel Duran (UdG), Paloma Barba (Telefónica Learning Services) and Luis de-la-Fuente-Valentín (UNIR).

Technological platforms.
Coordinated by Llorenç Valverde (UIB). With the participation of Alex Little (, Magí Almirall (UOC) and Oscar Alonso (Penteo).

In-house E-Learning.
Coordinated by Genís Roca (Roca-Salvatella). With the participation of Maria Pilar Feliz Barrio (Gas Natural Fenosa), Óscar del Moral (EOI) and José Luis De Federico (Bizpills).
1:45 am Synthesis and conclusions (plenary session).

Mooc workshop conclusions.
Technological platforms workshop conclusions.
In-house e-learning workshop conclusions.
2:15 pm General conclusions and recommendations

By Fabrizio Magnani (Gartner)
2:30 pm Closing speech by Daniel Burgos (UNIR)