

The 6th International Congress on Conflictology and Peace is to bring together numerous experts in conflict resolution from around the world. It is to act as a meeting point and a forum for professionals and specialists working for peace, justice, conflict management, mediation, arbitration and conciliation to share their experiences.


Subject matter



Target audience

The congress is an international event that looks to involve the following groups:

  • Training programme directors and participants; university institutes and centres specialising in peace and conflictology studies; research groups; journals and publications specialising in the field; faculty; students; professionals; activists for peace; educators, etc.
  • NGOs, foundations and institutions specialising in promoting the peace culture.
  • International public and private organisations working for peace and conflict resolution.
  • Those responsible for initiatives linked to the forming of non-violent civil bodies for intervention in armed conflicts.
  • Students in the fields of the Social Sciences.
  • And anyone interested, whether personally or professionally, in conflictology and peace.



UOC Campus for Peace, School for Cooperation and the Conflictology Studies and Research Centre (CREC).