
Exceptions to spelling rules are common on both sides of the Atlantic. Therefore, when in doubt, the UOC recommends using the preferred spellings provided in the Oxford Dictionary for British English and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for American English.

Please note that, unlike many other authoritative British English sources, the Oxford Dictionary uses the -ize spellings of words like organize and maximize. For more information on this difference, see the relevant section below.

Notwithstanding the many exceptions, some of the most common differences between British English and American English spelling conventions are discussed below:

-ae-/-e- and -oe-/-e-

British English has retained the digraphs -ae-and -oe- in certain words of primarily French, Latin and Greek origin that American English spells with a bare e. Examples:

However, some words can be, and often are, spelled with the digraph in American English, too, although the bare spelling is also accepted. Examples:

Likewise, certain words may be spelled with either the digraph or the bare in British English. Examples:

As a general rule, the UOC prefers to follow Oxford spelling (e.g. aesthetic, archaeology and oestrus but medieval), although the overarching rule is always to be consistent throughout your text. When in doubt, check the Oxford Dictionary.

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British English generally uses the spelling -ce for nouns and -se for verbs. Examples:

American English preserves this distinction with some words (e.g. some advice but to advise) but in other cases always uses -se(e.g. defense, license, offense)

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-e before suffixes

Unlike American English, British English retains the final silent in certain words when adding suffixes. Compare:

Nevertheless, for some words, both spellings are accepted in both the UK and the USA. American English tends to be more flexible than British English in this regard. Examples:

Note, however, that in legal contexts, the spelling judgment is generally preferred in both American and British English.

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-ise/-ize and -yse/-yze

While British English often prefers to spell this and related suffixes (-isation, -ising, etc.) with an s, American English uses only the version with z. Compare:

This notwithstanding, the Oxford Dictionary prefers to spell these words according to their etymological origin, the Greek root -izo, and thus also uses the spelling.

Similar differences are found with the suffix -yse/-yze. Compare:

In this case, the Oxford Dictionary uses the spelling, as these words are formed from a different Greek root, lyo, rather than from -izo. For more information on Oxford spelling conventions, see the Wikipedia entry Oxford Spelling.

Separately, please note that some words are always spelled with an in all varieties of English. This is generally because the -ise is actually part of a longer component of the word, such as -cise, -prise or -vise, rather than a separate suffix in itself. Nevertheless, a smaller group are always spelled with z. Examples:

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British English generally doubles the final before adding -ed, -ing, -er, -est or -or in words with an unstressed final syllable. American English generally does not. Examples:

In contrast, British English often uses a single l in words formed from monosyllabic root words ending in ll and many of their derivatives, whereas American English generally retains the double l. Compare:

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British English generally uses the ending -ogue, while American English generally prefers -og. Compare: 

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Words ending in an unstressed -our/-or in which the vowel sound is reduced (i.e. the ending is pronounced -er) generally take a in British English but not in American English. Compare:

The u is used in American English, too, when the vowel sound is not reduced (i.e. when the ending is pronounced -or). Examples:

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Certain words, mainly of French, Latin and Greek origin, that originally ended in a consonant + -re retain that spelling in British English but are spelled with a final -er in American English. This mainly occurs in words in which the -re/-er is unstressed and is particularly common when the preceding consonant is a or a t. Examples:

Note, however, that British English uses metre for the unit of length, but meter for the measuring instrument.

Likewise, some words retain the original -re spelling in American English, too, particularly when it is preceded by a or when the original French pronunciation has been retained. Examples:

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-t/-ed in past tenses

In British English, the past forms of certain verbs may be spelled with a -t or -ed, whereas in American English they almost exclusively end with -ed. Compare:

That said, both spellings are understood and accepted in both the UK and the USA. In keeping with its leaning towards more internationally understandable English, it is generally UOC policy to use the -ed form. Example:

Note, too, that British English and American English tend to use different forms for the past participle of the verb to get. Whereas British English generally uses the forms get-got-got, except in certain set phrases (e.g. ill-gotten gains), American English generally uses get-got-gotten, except with the possessive have got (e.g. I've got three pens). Compare:

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While both -wards and -ward can be found on both sides of the Atlantic, British English tends to favour -wards, while American English tends to favour -ward. Thus:

This is particularly true when the words being formed function as adverbs. In contrast, when they function as adjectives or as part of a phrasal verb, the suffix -ward generally prevails on both sides of the Atlantic. Examples:

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Other spelling differences

In addition to the above, several common words that do not fall into any of the above categories are also generally spelled differently in British versus American English. These include, among others:

Finally, the words while and among may also be written whilst and amongst. Although the -st spellings are more common in British English than in American English, both variations are accepted. In general, with a view to making its texts as accessible as possible to an international audience, the UOC prefers to use the simplified spellings while and among. As always, however, the most important thing is to use whichever form you choose consistently within your text. 

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