
The journal Oikonomics analyses future economic challenges for the EU

This is the third issue of the journal produced by the UOC's Faculty of Economics and Business

The journal Oikonomics focuses on analysing the intersections between economics, business and society. In this third issue, it examines the realities and future challenges for the European Union. There are contributions from six experts analysing aspects linked to structural imbalances in the European Union including productivity convergence, R&D policies, foreign trade, competition in the utilities markets, energy transition or recent reforms in Eurozone governance. These issues have been selected in order to move away from those subjects that have taken the limelight in terms of media attention. The focus has been deliberately placed on other aspects that are often less well-known, but which offer a better explanation of the European causes of the crisis.

With regard to the contents, this issue has an editorial titled “Realities and challenges of the European Union” by Joan Miquel Gomis and Albert Puig, who are both professors in the UOC’s Faculty of Economics and Business. Puig is also the author of the article “R&D policies and productivity convergence in the European Union”. Professor Josep Lladós, from the same faculty, is the author of the article “Liquid European convergence”. Among the contributions from faculty from other institutions, Joan Tugores, professor at the University of Barcelona, has written the article “The European Union's foreign trade: realities and challenges” and Francesc Trillas, professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, has written an article titled “The political economy of network industries in the European Union”. University of Barcelona professor Aurèlia Mañé has written the article “The roadmap for creating energy baronies” and Àlex Ruiz, tutor with the UOC’s Faculty of Economics and Business, took part in this issue with the article “The new Economic and Monetary Union: built to last?”.

The journal is published twice a year, in May and November. If you would like to read the latest issue, click on this link.

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