
Ready for a SMARTer world?

New edition of Open Thoughts blog from UOC

How can technology help find solutions to the challenges of today's world? Are we prepared to handle the large amount of data that surround us? Can ICT and Internet help us for being more sustainable and more competitive? To coincide with the Mobile World Congress 2013, the UOC launches a debate on whether we are prepared to make smarter use of technology. This is done through a new edition of Open Thoughts blog, where international personalities from academia, business or cultural world will answer the question Ready for a SMARTer world?

The blog is led by the program ICSO-HAROSA of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the UOC: Internet Computing & Systems Optimization - Algorithms For Solving Realistic Hybrid Routing, Scheduling and Availability Problems. The main lines of R&D&I of this program are the optimization of complex systems using hybrid algorithms and parallel and distributed computing on the Internet.

Angel A. Juan and Daniel Riera, program coordinators are associated professors at the Computing, Multimedia and Telecommunication Studies of the UOC. A. Juan has published the first post of the blog about e- research and the trend toward online collaboration models, in research and consulting companies, exceeding the national and continental borders.

The second contribution is by Aleix Valls, director of the Mobile World Centre and the Mobile World Festival. Valls thinks about the impact of mobile technology and the recently opened Mobile World Centre, which it wants to disseminate how this technology is helping to improve our lives. This space is an initiative of the Mobile World Capital, another one of the organizers of the Mobile World Congress to be held in Barcelona from 25 to 28 February.

The initiative
Open Thoughts is an annual initiative of the Research and Transfer Support Office is to (OSRT) of the UOC and it had its first experience in 2012 with a blog about gender and ICT. Last year, twenty international personalities answered the question What if Steve Jobs had been a woman? In the same way that last edition was a success, OSRT hopes that the new blog with Ready a SMARTer world? question, gets the same warm welcome.

The blog is being published in English. 


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