
New web version of the UOC Knowledge and Technology Map

Knowledge and Technology Map
The UOC Research and Transfer Support Office (OSRT) is publishing a new version of the map in web format incorporating new functions, such as the inclusion of a content administration system making it possible to manage all the information contained in the map and the research groups? R+D files.

During 2011, the second phase of drawing up the map will be carried out, collecting the rest of the information relating to groups, areas and researchers not included in the first phase, in order to be able to complete all the R+D activity carried out by the UOC.

The UOC Knowledge and Technology Map, which has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, visually and intuitively identifies and describes all the University’s research and innovation activities in order to provide an overall view of the knowledge generated there. Research groups, areas and researchers are classified according to their topic area and the centre or studies they are involved with, and each one has its own file with information about its activities, R+D lines, key words defining them and contact details.

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