Coordination and representation bodies

Alongside the UOC’s organizational structure, bodies to coordinate and represent the University are also required. They ensure that all the resources and services can be applied to the whole of the University’s course offering while meeting the wide variety of needs that arise from the particular characteristics of each programme. These bodies aid communication and debate on processes that affect different parts of the University. 

The main coordination and representation bodies at the University are as follows: 

University Council

This is the university community’s highest representative body. It includes those members stipulated in the UOC’s Organizational and Operational Regulations and is chaired by the rector. Academic staff hold a majority of the places. Its functions are to debate the University’s strategic directions and aims; to raise opinions on issues that affect the University and propose those initiatives deemed necessary; to debate those aspects that affect the professional careers of the academic and administrative staff; to have a voice in the selection of rectors before their formal appointment, and to deal with any issues raised by the rector, Governing Council or Executive Board.

Strategic Coordination Committee

It is made up of the members of the Executive Board, the members of the Academic Committee and the members of the Administrative Committee. The rector calls and chairs its bimonthly meetings. It mainly deals with proposals to the Governing Council for the strategic plan and objectives plans for each academic year, and with the monitoring and coordination of their development; proposals to the rector and Governing Council of specific strategic actions; aiding coordination between the different sectors at the University, and providing all of its members with the necessary information to ensure it flows throughout the organization.

Academic Committee

It is made up of the rector, vice rectors, general manager, the deans of department, the director of the IN3, the director of the eLearning Innovation Center, the director of the Doctoral School, the director of the eHealth Center and the commissioner for international action. This committee is chaired by the rector. It meets to discuss subjects linked to the monitoring and coordination of the academic activities in accordance with the bases set by the University’s strategic plan and the annual objectives plans; strategic alignment and coordination of the University’s teaching, research, dissemination and technology transfer; promotion of interdisciplinary programmes; promotion of the development of the academic community and its members, and advice for the rector and the Governing Council on all areas of academic life.

Administrative Committee

It is made up of the general manager, the vice rector for Governance and Academic Policy, the general deputy managers and the deans of department. It meets once a month to monitor the activity of the administrative areas.

Programme Committee

It is made up of the Vice Rector for Teaching and Learning, the deputy general manager for Teaching, the deputy general manager for Digital Transformation, the associate deans for teaching, the programme director from the Doctoral School, the director of the eLearning Innovation Center, the Office of the Vice Rectors and the responsible for Quality. It handles general planning of the course offering and academic activity, coordination of key cross-disciplinary aspects of the academic activity, and analysis and assessment of the results. This committee is chaired by the vice rector.

Research, Innovation and Transfer Committee

It provides support and advice to the Office of the Vice Rector for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship. It is responsible for establishing the strategies and actions deriving from the UOC’s research and innovation policy. 


Alliances, Community and Culture Committee

It is made up of the vice rector for Alliances, Community and Culture (who chairs the committee), the associate deans for Alliances, Community and Culture, the director of the Culture programme and the director of the Community and Equity department.

Its main responsibilities are participating in the design and implementation of activities linked to alliances and culture stemming from the Office of the Vice Rector's responsibilities, spearheading and coordinating key, wide-impact aspects relating to the university community (students, alumni, administrative teams, collaborator organizations, social-industrial fabric, and other stakeholders), spearheading knowledge transfer activities stemming from both teaching activity (product innovation) and research (chairs and other collaboration projects), promoting and disseminating the activities led by the Office of the Vice Rector in the academic framework and analysing and assessing the results.

Language Policy Committee

The Language Policy Committee is in charge of setting and monitoring the strategy for language policy at the university. It is made up of the vice rector for Alliances, Community and Culture (who chairs the committee), the director of the Office of the Vice Rectors, the director of the Culture department, the director of the Centre for Modern Languages, two members of faculty, experts in language and sociolinguistics, a representative from the Communications department, a representative from the Personnel department, a student, a graduate, and the director of the Language Service (secretary).
Its main responsabilities are participating in the definition of the UOC's language policy (general approach, scope, aims) and the ways to implement it, proposing the most suitable measures in each case to increase levels of knowledge, use and quality of the Catalan language in all areas of the university's activities, ensuring that the uses and practices established by the Committee and the university are respected, monitoring any action or measure related to language, and assessing the data and results, informing and advising the Executive Board on aspects related to language policy in all areas of the university's activities, setting the terms for the Committee's functioning, and approving and monitoring the UOC's Language Plan.

Employees’ Committee

It is made up of 23 people (14 representatives from the administrative staff and 9 representatives from the faculty and research staff). There is just one committee, but there may be two separate and parallel electoral processes: one to elect the representatives from the administrative staff and another to elect the representatives from the members of the faculty and research staff. It is made up of a chair, a secretary and the other members. There is a standing committee made up of the chair, the secretary and five other members. There is no fixed schedule for meetings. Employee participation in the institution is a fundamental labour right which is exercised through this committee, which is the body representing the interests of the organization’s employees.