FUOC group company and related organizations

After the corporate restructuring of recent years, the only Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC) group company is Invergy B. Side, SLU.

The Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya also has other related organizations operating in Colombia (through Fundación UOC Colombia) and Mexico (through Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, AC). Both organizations work to help the UOC enter international markets and expand its operations by serving as representative offices, by handling promotion, advertising and institutional relations, and by strengthening the development of higher education for Latin American students.

Invergy B. Side, SL (single-member company)

This UOC group company invests in start-ups and spin-offs operating in the tech and education sectors. They are linked to the UOC's areas of expertise and come from the university's innovation ecosystem. The company's mission is to boost society's economic development by supporting innovative companies and entrepreneurial projects, and strengthening the links between society, knowledge and business.
In terms of its legal status, it is a single-member limited company fully owned by the Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Fundación UOC Colombia

This non-profit organization based in Bogotá, Colombia, pursues the following aims:

  • Foster, promote and support the UOC's educational services and programmes in Colombia and other Latin American countries.
  • Support the UOC's educational services by serving as a representative office in Colombia and Latin America.
  • Support the UOC in carrying out studies, research and analysis of distance learning methods and techniques.

In terms of its legal status, it is a foundation, and its partner is Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, AC. 

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, AC (UOC AC)

This non-profit organization based in Mexico City, Mexico, pursues the following aims:
  • Support, promote and enhance the UOC's educational services and programmes in Mexico.
  • Support the UOC's educational services by serving as a representative office in Mexico.
In terms of its legal status, it is a civil association, and its partners are Invergy B. Side, SLU and Fundación UOC Colombia, with 50% each.