Advisory Board

The FUOC's statutes and the law by which the University was founded specify that the FUOC should include an advisory body, which should seek to ensure that Catalan society is broadly represented in the way the UOC is run. In addition to its services, offering advice and a connection with society, the FUOC Advisory Board must provide information on the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya budget, its programmes, and the appointment of its rector.
The members of the Board include, alongside the rector of the UOC and the CEO of the FUOC, representatives from the Catalan Parliament, from Catalan university bodies, from business organizations and unions, from UOC Alumni, as well as other figures from the world of research and culture. As such it provides a broad representation of Catalan society, which the UOC, in its duties as a public service, is proud to serve.

  • One representative of the Catalan public universities, designated by the Catalan Interuniversity Council:
    • Laura Román, General Secretary of the Catalan Interuniversity Council
  • Two representatives nominated by the legitimate business organizations that offer greatest representation in Catalonia:
  • Two representatives nominated by the legitimate trade unions that offer greatest representation in Catalonia:
  • One representative who is a graduate from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and is no longer studying there, appointed by UOC Alumni:
    • Roger Gomis, researcher specializing in cancer metastasis.
  • Five representatives appointed by the FUOC Board of Trustees, including members from the fields of education, research and culture:
  • The rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:
  • The CEO of the Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:
The chair of the Advisory Board is appointed by the FUOC Board of Trustees from among the Advisory Board's members.
The secretary of the Board is the FUOC's secretary, who has an advisory role but casts no vote.

* In accordance with the Government of Catalonia agreements dated 28 December 1995 and 16 July 2019.