Art and knowledge for the common good, by Manuel Borja-Villel
The audiences viewing contemporary art

“There is a fundamental element that has to do with the cinema in the museum. The aim is for the viewer to be capable of making the elements their own and creating their own narratives.”
“The space between cinema, photography and documents, in which these elements have their own space, in some way demands a certain commitment and a certain will to learn and want to know what is there.”
“One of the great fallacies of modern art is transparency – that works are presented purely, cleanly, without contamination of any kind, without being mixed with other disciplines.”
“Another of the fallacies is the explanation, the belief that things can be explained, when of course there is no truth.”
“Something that has always attracted me about museums and exhibitions is precisely the impossibility of the explanation. It is, to use a Freudian word, overdetermination, what escapes any explanation.”