Art and knowledge for the common good, by Manuel Borja-Villel
Education and art

“The role of the artist, just like the intellectual or the curator, has changed in the last few decades. The artist can be an ethnographer or an activist, the artist works very well across disciplines.”
“We should no longer talk of disciplines or techniques but rather of formats. An artist is someone who perhaps does what other people do but with different formats.”
“[There is] the need to create a platform or space for other training modalities in an era in which the role of the artist is changing.”
“The museum is no longer sacred, rather it is a place where things are constantly happening and where traditional education, this enlightened idea of knowledge, has somehow been replaced. So, it is important to plan new forms of education.”
“Education as such has become a rhetorical figure, an element that forms part of a certain artistic practice.”