Author: Paul Macharia
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Network and Information Technologies
Language: English
Supervisors: Dr Antoni Perez-Navarro & Dr Carme Carrion 
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Computer Science
Key words: adolescents, reproductive health, human-centred, mHealth

Area of knowledge: Network and Information Technologies

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Adolescents transitioning from childhood to adulthood need to be equipped with reproductive health (SRH) knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that empower them. The prevalence of pregnancy and STIs among adolescents in low and middle income countries leads us to believe adolescents don’t have access to enough SRH information. The lack of SRH information may be due to cultural and societal attitudes towards adolescent sexual reproductive health. Innovative and adolescent-friendly approaches are required. We investigated current information sources, their limitations and explored the role technology, mainly mobile phones, could play among adolescents to meet their information needs. Applying a human-centered design methodology, we developed a mobile app, then evaluated it using a randomized controlled trial. The main contribution is to show that SRH information should be provided in a secure, confidential and anonymous manner. Adolescents require accurate and up-to-date SRH information. Mobile phones could offer an accessible, user-friendly and reliable delivery platform.