Author: Oriol Miralbell Izard
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Catalan
Supervisors: Dr Francesc González Reverte and Dr Jaume Guia
Faculty / Institute: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Subjects: Computer Science, Social Sciences, Sociology, Communication
Key words: Social networking websites, Collaborative knowledge, Tourism professionals
Area of knowledge: Sociology
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This research studies the impact and operation of new technological resources in the network society. Specifically, we have conducted an analysis of the social networking websites conceived as an environment for the generation and exchange of knowledge under the perspective of social sciences, and from a cognitive science approach. The aim is to identify, characterize, and explain the determinants influencing the uses and social practices of knowledge exchange within online social networks. Regarding the study of the key factors influencing the use and adoption of social networking sites, we propose a model to test the influence of special factors that have been found as critical for the acceptance and use of social networking sites for knowledge exchange, adjusting it to different technology adoption theories. The key factors of the model are based on the perception of users of their autonomy, the openness of the sites, the diversity of the members of the networks, and the interactivity. We have tested the model with a case study of virtual communities of tourism professionals and we used the SEM (structural equation modelling) analysis. From the data obtained in an empirical study among members of virtual communities of tourism professionals hosted in the major social networking websites, we have seen the validity of the analytical model that we have proposed and verified the hypothesized research. We also have gathered information that has helped us to understand the users' use of social networking websites for the generation and exchange of knowledge in professional environments as well as the ability of social networking websites as systems to generate and exchange knowledge collaboratively.