Information and Knowledge Society

TIC, PyME y Entorno: Evaluación de la eficacia del constructo "Capacidad de Absorción" de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en PyMEs manufactureras venezolanas, semejanzas y diferencias según nivel de complejidad tecnológica: Una investigación empírica

Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society

Author: Isabel González Monasterios
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Spanish
Supervisors: Dr Milady Parejo
Departament / Institut: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Keywords: absorptive capacity, theoretical models, efficiency, ICT; environment, SMEs, manufacturing, Venezuela
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The absorptive capacity (ACAP) from empirical findings for the analisis theories and to construct new models and Develop Proposals how to gain competitive advantage in Organisations to complex socio-economic environment. The unit of analysis for the empirical research Undertaken For This thesis was Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Located within the manufacturing industry of Venezuela, Latin America. The overall aim was to ASSESS the efficacy of the theoretical model of absorptive capacity developed by Zahra and George (2002) by examining Characteristics of absorption related to Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). Eight companies classified as That Were being of either of low or high technological complexity Have Been Studied in depth (INE 2007; Al Invest IV, 2010; Vilaseca, J. et al., 2003). The researcher used Adaptive Theory, Layder (1993, 1998, 2013), a meta-methodology That permitted a variety of theoretical Approaches to be used and enabled tentative findings to be constructed and reconstructed as the investigation progressed in the eight case studies (Yin, 1985 Patton, 2001). The main finding of the study, and Its contribution to the field, is related to the model of Limitations in Zahra and George (2002), Which is shown not Have to universal applicability. Zahra and George's model requires a new element if it is to be adequate for the analysis of companies operating in social-economic systems: such as Venezuela.