Information and Knowledge Society

Prácticas divergentes de preservación del arte de los medios. Recordar y olvidar en la cultura digitalDesenvolupament d'un model d'hipervídeo com a eina docent per l'aula virtual

Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society

Author: Antoni Marín Amatller
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Catalan
Supervisors: Dr Roser Beneito Montagut and Dr. Javier Melenchón Maldonado
Departament / Institut: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Keywords: hypervideo, elearning, audiovisual, constructivism, interactivity. 
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A model of hipervideo as a tool of creation of educational applications that promote meaningful learning and the active role of the student is proposed. The model is based in the use of the image symbolic and in the capabilities interactive of the medium. Symbolic image category is described in relation to cognitive scaffolding and utilization of resources of signage.