Author: Alan Ward Koeck
Programme: Doctoral Programme on the Information and Knowledge Society
Language: English
Supervisor: Dr Josep Jorba Esteve
Faculty / Institute: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Key words: fluyd dinamics, snowfall, computer model, installation planning, ski-slope
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The study describes the working principles and validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics computer model of snowfall over a complex orography, for optimizing ski slope or other installations according to local weather patterns. The spatial domain is discretized, focusing on challenging topography that tends to produce deformed mesh volumes. A novel measure od mesh deformation is defined and applied to discuss different strategies of mesh optimization with the goal of facilitating parallel computer solutions of the Navier-Stokes fluid transport equations. A computer model is designed to solve the Navier-Stokes incompressible turbulent fluid equations. The efficiency of the CFD computational toolkit is discussed. The degree od coupling required between the snow ¿ and air-phases of the fluid during the computer modeling of snowfall is discussed. A two-fluid (Euler-Lagrangian) methodology is implemented. Applications of such snowfall models are discussed in relation to ski-slope planning and high-altitude road snow clearing. An application of the model to wind energy production planning is presented.