Author: Arturo Moreno-Medrano
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT (e-learning)

Language: Spanish
Supervisor: Dr Glòria Munilla
Faculty / Institute: UOC Doctoral School
Subjects: Education
Key words: education, ICT, neuroeducation, art museums, pedagogy

Àrea of knowledge: e-Learning

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Educational ICTs have been used in art museums for a long time, and regularly play a part in fulfilling museums' educational role. However, many authors consider that the potential of these ICTs is not fully realised, mainly because they are treated in a unidisciplinary way. Using new evidence from cognitive neurology and its application to educational practice – neuroeducation –, we built an epistemological bridge that brings together museology, pedagogy and neuroeducation. The result was a common construct in the form of characteristics with which we developed various statistical analyses in order to understand the implementation of these theories on educational ICTs in art museums. The results obtained, combined with the theories of each discipline, allowed us to characterize the educational ICTs analysed. From these results, we made the foundation for a techno-pedagogical design focused on our thesis, as well as other uses, such as rubrics or statistical analysis tools.