New challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world, education included. In the university sector we face new challenges arising from this crisis. We must consolidate our contributions to society, helping global, responsible and critically aware citizens to deal with the changes occurring in employment, economies, communities and the environment.
The pandemic has accelerated digital transformations in many different sectors. How is higher education adapting?
With more than 30 years' experience providing high quality online education, we have been keenly studying these challenges. This page documents our reflections.

Reflecting on the future
What challenges are universities facing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? What role should higher education now play? What should our research model be?
Members of our executive team, faculties and research groups have shared views from the UOC regarding universities after COVID-19.
Read the rest of the articles published.

"Challenges of predoctoral education in the wake of COVID-19"
David Masip, Director or the UOC Doctoral School
The time for online education
We have been working with El País newspaper to offer people in Spain journalistic analysis on the different aspects of online education and its impact on society.

"Why I decided to study online"
Fully engaged in digital transformation
We assist other institutions and governments around the world with their processes for the digitalization of higher education, providing expertise and consultancy services. We offer them the knowledge and experience we have gained from over 30 years of developing online education.
The UOC has some 20 multidisciplinary research groups working on e-learning and a centre dedicated to educational innovation: the eLearning Innovation Center. They are all working to adapt online learning to today's new reality.
Likewise, the UOC is driving the digital transformation of education as part of its commitment to make lifelong higher education available to everyone.
Innovative learning trends
Consulta els vídeos i el material d'aquest cicle de col·loquis sobre els canvis que s'estan observant actualment en l'educació superior.

Our response to COVID-19
We first published Our response to COVID-19 on 13 March 2020, as a way to address the challenges and uncertainties brought on by the pandemic.
Revisit the story.