Below is a list of blogs promoted by the Departments, professors, researchers, projects or management areas of the UOC.
Catalan Language and Literature
This blog aims to publicise the activities organised by the department, provide recommended reading and examine current issues about Catalan Language and Literature. [In Catalan]
City management and urban planning
This blog offers a critical perspective on urban realities and the criteria to guide proposals for intervention and management, among other aspects. [In Spanish]
Corporate Communications, Protocol and Events
This blog looks in depth at the fields of corporate communications, public relations, protocol and event management.
Design and Multimedia Creation
Blog of the UOC-Telefónica Chair in Design and Multimedia Creation, the aim of which was to research, reflect on and debate design, technology and education and their impact on society. [In Spanish]
Koiné - Master's Degree in the Ancient Mediterranean
This blog is linked to the Master's Degree in the Ancient Mediterranean. It aims to look in greater depth at the origins of the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and their links to today's Western societies.
Psychology and Education Sciences blog
A blog with posts looking at psychology and education from a range of perspectives: teacher training, e-learning, social education, speech and language therapy, pedagogy, and language disorders. [In Catalan and Spanish]