By providing support to educational institutions based in other countries, we can guide them through the complex process of rolling out their own teaching, technological and organizational model and incorporating online methodologies into their courses and programmes.
A model like the UOC's opens up access to higher education in other countries by covering the needs not already met by their respective educational systems. This is why we work alongside quality assurance agencies and governments from around the world on rolling out their own quality accreditation models and mechanisms and on achieving recognition for online degrees. Thanks to these actions, we are able to help meet students' university needs when on-site systems are not enough.
The UOC has made a name for itself around the world as a quality online university, serving as a model for other Latin American university institutions, quality assurance agencies and supranational entities.
Ibero-American System for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (SIACES)
Launched by the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)
Success stories
The UOC headed up the European TEMPUS project known as Enhancing Quality of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EQTeL)
It revamped and updated higher education in Jordan by deploying a national learning quality assurance system (2013-2017).
Advisory services
- Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CACES, previously known as CEAACES) in Ecuador (2016-2017).
- National Accreditation Commission (CNA) in Chile (2017).
- Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education (COPAES) in Mexico (2017).
The UOC also helped Duoc UC, an accredited, non-profit private institute of higher education in Chile, to roll out its own e-learning model (2017-2019).