International virtual mobility programmes

International virtual mobility through agreements with institutions and networks

E-learning makes internationalization easier for everyone. We are aware of the importance of international experiences at the higher education stage and the difficulties that many people face in accessing these experiences. As a result, we encourage virtual mobility among students through alliances with other educational institutions at international level.

What is an international virtual mobility?

It is an international educational experience in which students from universities around the world can study one or more courses in the virtual classrooms of the destination university. These courses are recognized in the student’s academic record once they have been passed.

International virtual mobility promotes the exchange of experiences in digital environments with students and teaching staff all over the world while at the same time strengthening their global, social and digital competencies and enriching their CV and professional profile.

This mobility can be in and/or out, that is, students from another university can participate in mobility at the UOC and vice versa, or both can take place at the same time.

The UOC undertakes international virtual mobility within the framework of specific alliances with higher education institutions and as part of university network mobility programmes.

Since 2016, more than 2,095 Latin American students have benefited from these international exchanges at the UOC. These students have come from universities such as:

Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Colombia) Uniminuto (Colombia)
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador) Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (Ecuador) Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)
Programa de Intercambio Universitario (PIU) - CINDA (Peru) Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru)
Universidad de Talca (Chile) Duoc UC (Chile)